Hi Wendy,
I had such a fabulous time yesterday afternoon!!!
I've marked my calendar for the rest of the year.
We are impressed as to your ability to teach, see what is going on in a square, and your timing, which makes dancing so much easier and more enjoyable. Keep up the good work.

I am truly impressed with your instruction style. I was a teacher, so, I can appreciate a very good teacher, when I'm with one. Thank you very much.
Wendy is the best teacher I've come across for new dance steps--and I've been to hundreds of dance lessons in the last 60 years and have taught dance myself.

Hi Wendy,
Heard back from several people who enjoyed their square dance evening last Friday.
One appreciated how much you were able to teach her in one evening (she had not square danced before), and another thought it was great that you were able to include the kids -- that there would be good family memories from that which would last for years to come. I'm sure we're a pretty 'chaotic' group to deal with, but your patience and sense of humour make it all work. :-) Thanks a million,
Hi Wendy, Thank you, for a Very Special night, you are so kind, & a Great teacher.
I have Wendy to thank for inspiring me to take up dancing. Her passion and love of it shone through when I met her for the first time.